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AssetID: 53098208

Headline: RAW VIDEO: First Beaver Born In London For 400 Years

Caption: London witnessed a remarkable event this summer (23) that has stirred excitement among conservationists and nature enthusiasts alike – the sighting of a baby beaver, a creature not seen in the capital for four centuries. It is believed to be the first baby beaver born in London in hundreds of years, marking a historic moment in the city's ongoing conservation efforts. This remarkable occurrence, filmed and pictured here, is a direct result of Enfield Council's bold initiative, the Beaver Reintroduction Programme, launched in 2022. The program aims to resurrect the presence of beavers in London, a species that had vanished from the region's waterways for over four centuries. This endeavor is part of a broader rewilding and natural flood management project, demonstrating London's commitment to embracing nature's inherent resilience. Capel Manor College, in collaboration with guidance from the Beaver Trust, has taken on the responsibility of ensuring the well-being of this young beaver. An experienced exotic-animal vet will conduct a thorough health examination, shedding light on the creature's overall condition, and will also determine its sex, a mystery yet to be unveiled. The reappearance of beavers in London carries significant ecological implications. Historically hunted to extinction in England, these industrious rodents have been successfully reintroduced to selected regions across the country. Rick Jewell, Enfield Council's cabinet member for the environment, spoke about the beavers' invaluable contributions: "The beavers' hard work creating a natural wetland ecosystem will contribute to excellent flood defences, protecting the local area and hundreds of homes from flooding downstream to the south-east of the borough, while encouraging biodiversity." Meg Wilson, Capel Manor College's animal collections manager,told the BBC: "We are thrilled about this new arrival. We have witnessed the transformations that the beavers have initiated and the improvements they have made to the wetland area. Our current focus is on collecting data, which we hope will provide further evidence about the positive effects the beavers are having on the environment." London's beaver comeback is not only a testament to the resilience of nature but also a testament to the dedicated efforts of conservationists and local authorities. As this young beaver embarks on its journey, it symbolises hope and the potential for rewilding success in one of the world's largest urban centres.

Keywords: beaver,nature,natural world,feature,photo,video
