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AssetID: 52873572

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Japanese Scientists Develop Robotic Arms For Humans You Wear Like A Backpack

Caption: Researchers have developed wearable robotic arms for humans. Jizai Arms are described as a robotic limb system that can be attached as and when required. Users secure the base unit to their bodies and can attach up to six arms with interchangeable hand modules depending on the task. The arms can then be controlled by the user or remotely. The research team from the University of Tokyo states that the system "has been designed to facilitate social interaction among multiple users". During testing, they discovered that the appendages became so natural to the users that they missed them once they were removed. The developers also anticipate a future where users can personalise their artificial limbs.

Keywords: Japanese,Scientists,Develop,Robotic,Arms,Humans,Offbeat,Science,Tech,Technology,Limb,System,Bodies,Jizai Arms,Researchers,Machines,Cyborgs,Digital
