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ID: 53297085 Video

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: A guide to setting your New Year's fitness goals


A guide to setting your New Year's fitness goals. Ciana Glynn, holistic wellness coach, personal trainer and founder of The Wellness Primer has shared her top tips. Write out your goals every day By setting goals and writing them down, you are statistically 80% more likely to achieve that goal than by not writing it down at all. ”Make a list of goals you want to achieve and write down everything. Writing out your goals is an important part of goal setting, and gets your subconscious mind to work!” Get specific with your goals For example, if you want to lose weight, how much weight do you want to lose and by what deadline? “Being specific gives your mind more clarity on the outcome and provides structure to your goals.” Make your 'why' strong enough Sometimes we may want to achieve a goal but our motivation is not that strong to follow through. ”Prioritise what exactly you want to accomplish and make your why strong enough. On the days you may want to give up, remember your why. This will help you to keep striving forward towards your end goal.” Visualise what you want Visualising what you want goes a long way in goal setting. “Envision yourself already accomplishing this goal and how you will feel when you do.” Don't be afraid to ask for support It could be a spouse, friend, family member or trained coach. ”Someone who can be that accountability buddy you need for added support.” THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: guide,how to,advice,ideas,set,reach,fitness,goals,new year,diary,write,lists,encouragement,family,friends,support system,subconscious mind,exercise,enjoy,top tips
