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ID: 53306497 Video

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Scientists Develop Biocomputer Capable of Voice Recognition


Scientists Develop Biocomputer Capable of Voice Recognition . Futurism reports that researchers have developed a "biocomputer" made from lab-grown human brain tissue and electronic circuits. Scientists fused human cells called "organoids" into neurons and combined them with electronic circuits to create what it calls "Brainoware". According to the team, the new biocomputer is capable of performing tasks such as voice recognition. Co-author and University of Indiana bioengineer Feng Guo told 'Nature' that the goal is to build a "bridge between AI and organoids". "We wanted to ask the question of whether we can leverage the biological neural network within the brain organoid for computing, Feng Guo, co-author and University of Indiana bioengineer, via Futurism. Futurism reports that the team's Brainoware was able to perform voice recognition after analyzing 240 voice recordings of eight people. A machine-learning algorithm was used to interpret the neural activity of the organoid when it listened to each voice recording. The Brainoware was able to identify the original speaker 78% of the time. A new paper published in the journal 'Nature Electronics' details the team's findings. Futurism reports that the findings represent a new development in the field of biocomputing that could form the foundation for the brain-inspired computers of the future. THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: scientists,develop,biocomputer,capable,voice,recognition,lab-grown,human,brain,tissue,electronic,suits,cells,fused,organoids,neurons,Brainoware
