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ID: 53581654 Video

Headline: Magnetic Levitating Train Makes Its Driverless Debut In Italy


The world's first levitating train has completed its inaugural test journey. Technology firm IronLev announced the triumphant initial run as the team embarked on a test along the Adria-Mestre route in Italy. The vehicle operated autonomously without a driver on a pre-existing track for the first time. The prototype, weighing one tonne, travelled along the track at a 70 km/h self-imposed speed. Magnetic levitation trains levitate above a track using magnets instead of rolling on wheels, creating an air cushion between the train and the track. The absence of contact reduces friction, allowing the train to achieve higher speeds and consume less energy. IronLev’s trial demonstrated the feasibility of employing magnetic levitation trains on currently operational railway lines providing a glimpse into the future of public transport and freight systems with a focus on reducing noise and vibration.

Keywords: Magnetic,Levitating,Train,Makes,Driver,Driverless,Debut,Italy,Motorsied,IronLev,Technology,Tracks,Vehicle,Science,Vibration,Noise,Reducing,Future,Test,Journey,Speed,Transport,Transportation
