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ID: 53369246 Video

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Holistic lifestyle changes to improve your health


Holistic lifestyle changes to improve your health. The experts at Brainworks Neurotherapy, a leading U.K.-based neurofeedback practice, have explained the most effective ways to snap out of the post-Christmas blues. Strategic sunlight exposureSoaking up natural light is essential for the production and regulation of hormones. ”This is because the amount of light that enters your eyes during these times directly influences the production and regulation of hormones in your body, such as serotonin, melatonin and cortisol, which play a critical role in mood and sleep patterns.” "This effectiveness extends even to areas with cloudy weather, as the light can penetrate through clouds.” GroundingGrounding, also known as earthing, is a practice that involves physically connecting with the Earth's surface to absorb its natural, subtle electrical charge. ”The idea behind grounding is that in our modern lives, we are often insulated from direct contact with the Earth due to the prevalence of rubber-soled shoes, buildings, and other non-conductive materials.” "Research indicates that grounding can reduce inflammation, help manage stress levels, and improve sleep patterns.” Bedtime routineGoing to bed at the same time every night can help make sure that your body's internal clock is stabilised. ”This simple lifestyle adjustment is often underrated, yet it stands as one of the most effective anti-stress habits. Going to bed at the same time every day offers multiple benefits: It aids in regulating our circadian rhythms, ensuring our body's internal clock is in sync.” Social connectionsWhile the natural reaction when experiencing SAD symptoms might be to isolate oneself, it's essential to try the opposite by nurturing connections with others.” If you experience persistent or severe symptoms of SAD, it is important to speak to a medical professional. THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: Holistic,Lifestyle,Improve,Health,Christmas blues,Brainworks,Neurotherapy,United Kingdom,Experts,Effective,neurofeedback practice
