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ID: 53388892 Video

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Five reasons why you should prioritise gut health


Five reasons why you should prioritise gut health. Lead Nutritionist at ProVen Probiotics, Adrienne Benjamin, has shared five reasons why you should prioritise your gut health. Mood and motivation. Not only can taking care of your gut improve your physical health, but it can also boost your mental health. ”Studies suggest that when your gut is off-balance, it might contribute to feeling stressed or anxious and even affect your motivation levels. Many serotonin receptors are located in the gut, which are key players in mood regulation and motivation.” Immunity. Prioritising your gut health can help you avoid getting sick. ”As over 70% of the body's immune cells are located in the gut, it actively contributes to the strength and resilience of your body's natural defences.” Physical performance. Gut health is linked to how you perform during exercise. ”For those striving for optimal physical performance, a healthy gut is a game changer. The gut influences nutrient absorption and energy metabolism, directly impacting exercise performance.” "Intense exercise can also impact gut health and an emphasis on supporting the gut can lead to enhanced endurance, quicker recovery and improved overall fitness levels.” Heart health. Looking after your gut can have a positive impact on your heart. “Emerging research suggests that a balanced gut may contribute to lower blood pressure, reduced inflammation and overall heart well-being," the nutritionist says. ”A focus on a healthy gut is an investment in the vitality of our entire cardiovascular system.” Sleep quality. Improved gut health can result in a better quality of sleep, leaving you feeling well-rested during the day. ”A balanced and thriving gut microbiome supports bodily processes that link to our body's internal clock for some quality sleep," Adrienne explains. ”Gut-friendly choices help to look after our digestive health and support nights of deep, restful sleep.” According to the expert, if you are looking to give your gut an extra boost, ProVen Probiotics contain friendly bacteria that help keep your gut happy, healthy and balanced with a wide range of different premium products. THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: positive mindset,mental health,serotonin receptors,natural defenses,nutrient absorption,energy metabolism,exercise recovery,cardiovascular system,inflammation reduction,vitality,deep sleep,digestive health,wellness,health supplements
