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ID: 53753338 Video

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: How to exercise safely while on a weight loss plan


Dr Babak Ashrafi, a GP at Superdrug Online Doctor, shares his do's and don'ts for exercising while losing weight. Choose your workouts wisely: First and foremost, you need to choose workouts that will help you maintain your weight loss in the long term. "Exercising whilst on a weight loss service can be a great way to support immediate weight loss in the short term, as well as sustaining weight loss in the future once your weight loss treatment has finished.". "Regular exercise can also help prevent excess sagging skin, increase muscle mass, and tighten the skin.". "It's worth noting that some side effects of rapidly losing a lot of weight and starting to exercise, or any treatments you're taking, can include nausea, light-headedness, dizziness, and high heart rate.". The expert recommends beginner-friendly, low-impact exercises such as swimming, walking, yoga and cycling. Remember to hydrate: Hydration is key when it comes to exercise and weight loss as you may experience an increase in sweating. "Make sure you stay hydrated in order to replace lost fluid and aim for at least eight glasses of water every day.". Fuel your fitness: If you're trying to lose weight, especially if you're exercising regularly, it's important to eat a healthy, nutritious diet. "Fibre and complex carbohydrates can fuel your workout, as well as support gut health and aid digestion. Oats, sweet potato, whole grain bread and brown rice!". He suggests eating proteins such as lentils, chicken, turkey, chickpeas and eggs to help you maintain muscle mass and promote muscle growth as well as plenty of fruit and veg. "Be careful not to have too many sugary fruits a day and limit your intake of high-sugar juices and smoothies."


Keywords: Exercise,weight loss,safety,Dr. Babak Ashrafi,Superdrug Online Doctor,do's and don'ts,long-term sustainability,side effects,hydration,nutrition,healthy diet,low-impact exercises,swimming,walking,yoga,cycling,muscle mass,fueling fitness,carbohydrates,proteins,fruits,vegetables,sugary foods,smoothies
