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ID: 53611794 Video

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Controversial Grand Canyon Uranium Mining to Continue Despite Concerns


Controversial Grand Canyon Uranium Mining To Continue Despire Concerns. Fox News reports that the United States' largest uranium producer is ramping up mining operations just south of the Grand Canyon National Park. The news for the long-contested project comes amid global instability and increased demand driving up the prices of uranium. The Biden administration, along with dozens of other countries, have vowed to triple the capacity of nuclear power worldwide to combat climate change. Meanwhile, other policy changes have been adopted to reduce Russia's influence over the global supply chain of uranium. Environmental activists and Native American leaders have expressed concerns over the potential consequences and have called for increased regulatory oversight. New mining projects at the Pinyon Plain Mine is occurring within the boundaries of Nwaavjo I'tah Kukv National Monument. In August, the site was designated by the Biden administration, however the project was allowed to move forward due to Energy Fuels' valid existing rights. In 2022, Energy Fuels was awarded a contract to sell the U.S. government $18.5 million in uranium concentrates to bolster the nation's reserve supplies. Energy Fuels spokesman Curtis Moore reportedly addressed those concerns, stating that the mining operation has low impact with zero risk to groundwater. According to Moore, the mine will produce at least 2 million pounds of uranium over the next few years. THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: Controversial,Grand Canyon,Uranium,mining,continues,despite,concerns,nuclear,energy,United States,America,Biden,Administration,operations,prices,global,instability,increased,demand
