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ID: 53867067 Video

Headline: How festivals can impact your gut health


Summer festivals usually mean disrupted sleep, late nights, unhealthy food, port-a-potties and limited washing facilities. While this may seem like an adventure, it could have a negative impact on your gut health. Adrienne Benjamin, nutritionist at ProVen Biotics, reveals the biggest festival gut health offenders and how you can counteract their effects. Poor diet. Festival food, often consisting of burgers, chips and pizza, may be delicious, but it's not nutritious. "Diet is the most important factor when it comes to supporting your gut”.

Keywords: CPS1670504,Festival,Gut Health,Health,Wellness,Diet,Nutrition,Sleep,Dehydration,Summer Festival,Adrienne Benjamin,ProVen Biotics,How To,Food,Benefits,Lifestyle,Wellbeing
