Headline: Kevin Bacon did not enjoy his day disguised as a regular person
The Footloose star, who has been a household name since the 1980s, revealed to Vanity Fair that he often daydreamed about being an anonymous member of the public instead of a famous figure. He once decided to test it out for the day by hiring a prosthetics team to transform his look. "I'm not complaining, but I have a face that's pretty recognisable.” "Putting my hat and glasses on is only going to work to a certain extent. I went to a special effects makeup artist, had consultations, and asked him to make me a prosthetic disguise."
Keywords: CPS1671347,Kevin Bacon,Enjoy,Disguised,Regular person,Famous,Actor,Daydremed,Anonymous,Special,Look,Vanity Fair,Interview,Prosthetic,Recognisable,Figure,Digital Rights Only