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ID: 53716288 Video

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Tips and tricks to prevent seasickness


Tips and tricks to prevent seasickness. As we approach summer, some of us are planning holidays, which may include boat trips, fishing trips, sailing or cruises. Although boating can be fun, many people suffer from seasickness, which can make the experience quite unpleasant. ”Seasickness is horrible and can affect even the most experienced sailors, so try not to be hard on yourself if you suffer from it.” "Seasickness is motion sickness where the balance mechanism in the inner ear and the eyes send conflicting signals to the brain, causing the release of hormones that leads to the symptoms many people know all too well.” Motion sickness tablets: The first thing you can do is to take motion sickness tablets before you get on the boat. ”Take a motion sickness tablet much earlier than you think you should. You need to consume it several hours before going to sea or even before strong winds are forecast.” Fresh air: Getting some fresh air can help combat nausea. ”Get lots of fresh air and try to stay outside if you can. It will be windy, and you may be hit with sea spray but it's important to get in the breeze.” "The worst thing you can do is hide away inside the boat, ship, or ferry.” Focus on the horizon: When you are on a boat, it is best to be outside rather than inside. ”Focus on the horizon, ideally out on deck. This is a proven tactic to avoid motion sickness. You may feel that you want to hide away or lie down while feeling nauseous.” "However, staying inside the boat or down below in the cabin will only make things worse. Focusing on the horizon helps to stop the brain's internal balance mechanism from getting confused and should abate your symptoms.” Stay in the middle: Staying in the centre of the boat often means less swaying. ”If you're on a larger boat or ferry, don't position yourself at the ends (called the bow or stern). These sections are thrown about by the waves far more intensely, so will exaggerate the swaying motion and make your symptoms worse.” "Try and stay as near as possible to the middle of the ship. The technical term for this is pitching; the ends pitch more than the middle.” THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: Seasickness prevention,Boating,Fishing trips,Sailing,Cruises,Motion sickness,Motion sickness tablets,Fresh air,Horizon,Boat positioning,Bow,Ster
