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ID: 54002160 Video

Headline: Bryan Adams launches own record label


The Canadian singer-songwriter announced on Friday that he has launched his own label called Bad Records. To celebrate the launch, Adams is releasing a double A-side single featuring two songs, War Machine and Rock And Roll Hell, which he originally wrote with Jim Vallance and Gene Simmons for KISS' 1982 album Creatures of the Night. In a new statement, the Grammy-winning artist explained how he became involved with Creatures of the Night. "To commemorate the first single on Bad Records, here are two songs I co-wrote when I was a 22-year-old struggling songwriter.”

Keywords: CPS1672746,Bryan Adams,Singer,KISS,Bad Records,War Machine,Rock And Roll Hell,Jim Vallance,Creatures of the Night,Record,Grammy,Cuts Like a Knife,Reckless,Music video
