Headline: Waste Not Want Not! Animals At Noah's Ark Zoo Munch Through Trees To Help With Christmas Cleanup
Waste Not Want Not! Animals At Noah's Ark Zoo Munch Through Trees To Help With Christmas Cleanup. Animals at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm in Wraxall, North Somerset have been helping with the post-Christmas cleanup. The zoo asks people to drop off their old Christmas trees so they can be used as "enrichment" for the animals. In addition to being used as play things for the zoo’s magnificent beasts some trees are turned into chippings for the spectacled bears and rhinos. The animals just love the pine scent! Its African bull elephants replicate natural behaviours they might normally engage in on the savannah by munching through branches. The scheme began in 2021, with as many as 3,000 people dropping their trees off for the animals in 2024. This year the zoo will have a Christmas tree drop off point in its car park until 26 January. They do ask that people check to remove decorations from the tree before dropping it off!
Keywords: Natural World,waste,animals,Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm,trees,Christmas,Cleanup,Christmas trees,enrichment,play,zoo,beasts,spectacled bears,rhinos,elephants,decorations,tree