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ID: 54025665 Video

Headline: Katy Perry's Lifetimes video investigated over environmental claims


Spanish authorities are conducting an inquiry into the singer's video production after the video clip's producers were accused of unauthorised filming in a protected area. The video was shot in Spain's Balearic Islands, with part of the footage believed to have been taken in and around dunes on the islet of s'Espalmador, a preservation area within the Parc Natural de Ses Salines national park. A media release published by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Natural Environment claimed the production company responsible for the shoot had failed to secure appropriate permissions.

Keywords: CPS1673261,Katy Perry,Lifestimes,Video,Investigated,Over,Environmental,Claims,Filming,Permit,Without,Singer,Formentera,UNESTO,Heritage,Site,Parc Natural de Ses Salines,National Park,Spanish,Ministry of Agriculture,Fisheries,Spain,Balearic Islands,Footage,Videoclip,Music Video,Islet of S'Espalmador
