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ID: 53093300 Video

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: An expert guide to natural lymphatic drainage


An expert guide to natural lymphatic drainage. Ricardo Rosa, a physiotherapist and osteopath based at Portugal's Longevity Health & Wellness Retreat, has listed six easy ways to stimulate the lymph naturally. Dry body brush, A simple but effective way to get your blood flowing. "The lymph is superficial, so it doesn't need a lot of pressure to be simulated. Body brush using gentle upward motions towards the heart first thing in the morning to get the blood flowing.” Place your legs up a wall for 10 minutes a day, Sitting or standing for extended periods of time can result in blood and fluid pooling to lower extremities, which as a result, can cause foot, ankle, and leg discomfort. "Try elevating your legs up a wall for around 10 minutes a day to support blood flow back towards your heart and prevent fluid buildup.” Drink plenty of filtered water, Drinking water is an effective way to combat bloating, fatigue and even swelling. "Dehydration can bring on further swelling and fatigue, so be sure to drink water regularly. Small sips are often best to avoid bloating, and always ensure the water is filtered to avoid any toxic metals entering the body.” Sweat, sweat, sweat, Whether it's a trip to the sauna, or intense workout you prefer, get your sweat on! "This can help to reduce fluid retention and allows the blood vessels to expand, enhancing circulation around the body and reducing any discomfort or blockages.” Walk for at least 30 minutes per day, Walking is one of the easiest and quick-fire ways to reduce leg swelling. “Through the gentle rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the muscles, the lymphatic fluid will naturally pump around the body and push excess fluid back into circulation.” Avoid highly processed food and drinks, Food and drinks containing a high level of sugar and sodium, and processed foods increase fluid retention and contribute to overall body inflammation. "Instead, focus on nutrient dense fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and detox teas.", Ricardo Rosa, a physiotherapist and osteopath based at Portugal's Longevity Health & Wellness Retreat. THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: expert,guide,advice,physiotherapist,osteopath,effective ways,blood,flow,flowing,dry brush,whole grains,detox,stimulate,how to,health,wellbeing,vegetables,blood pressure
