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ID: 53116360 Video

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: How to combat tiredness in the colder months


How to combat tiredness in the colder months. Jenaed Brodell, a performance dietitian and founder of Nutrition and Co., has shared her tips to help you tackle low energy during the autumn and winter months. Let there be light The lack of sunlight in Winter months means your brain produces more of a hormone called melatonin, which makes you sleepy. ”To help regulate your melatonin levels, try to get outside first thing in the morning to help align your body clock for optimal energy during the day.” Spend as much time outdoors in daylight as you can, and make sure the blinds are open if you sit near a window whilst working. Get up and move When you're tired and running low on energy, probably the last thing you want to do is venture out into the cold. “But you might be surprised by how energetic you feel after getting involved in some kind of physical activity every day.” Eat the right food Once the summer ends, there's a temptation to ditch the salads and fill up on starchy foods such as pasta, potatoes, and bread. “However, you'll have more energy if you include plenty of fruit and vegetables in your comfort meals.” It's also important to get more vitamin D into your diet as our bodies are unable to create enough at this time of year. Get a good night's sleep Aim for about 8 hours of shut eye a night and try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. ”Make sure your bedroom helps you feel relaxed and sleepy: clear the clutter, have comfortable and warm bedding, and turn off your phone and TV at least 30 minutes before bedtime.” Brave the cold Research suggests that cold water therapy, such as cold showers, may help reduce fatigue and increase mental alertness.” "If you're not quite ready to immerse your whole body, start with splashing your face with cold water first thing and work your way up to the shower so you can reap the most benefits!”. THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: How to,combat,tiredness,colder,cold,months,Autumn,Winter,winter sun,sunlight,vitamin D,exercise,energise,energy,sleep,hours,food,healthy,fruits,vegetables,dietitian,health,wellbeing,mindset
