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AssetID: 52945942

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: How to stop your milk from going to waste

Caption: Kate Arthur, Head of Nutrition at the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB), has explained how to properly store your milk and offered up ways to help you use it all up. Proper storage Storing milk properly can extend its shelf life and ensure it's still fresh by its use-by date. “Ensure you stand your milk upright, away from other strong-smelling foods, and ideally keep it out of the fridge doors as these tend to be warmer than the rest of the fridge." Put it in the freezer Milk can be frozen for up to six weeks in the freezer, without impacting its nutritional value or taste. "Make sure to defrost in the fridge, as opposed to out in the open as this can cause it to spoil sooner." Pour yourself a smoothie Smoothies are an easy and delicious way to add vitamins and nutrients to your diet. "Milk is an incredibly versatile ingredient. Combining it with fruit can create a smoothie - packed full of nutrients which can be drunk at home or on the go." Whisk up a white sauce Milk can also be incorporated into a variety of hearty, healthy, meals, enriching them with calcium and B12. "Milk can be used in a whole host of mealtime favourites as the base of a white sauce” Plan efficiently An easy way to make sure you don't waste milk is by ensuring you don't buy too much “Try and keep a dairy diary for a few weeks to see how much milk you're getting through and then use this as a benchmark the next time you go shopping. THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: CPS1655259,how to,stop,milk,going off,sell-by-date,expiration date,expire,fresh,cold,storage,freeze,fridge,mix,smoothie,white sauce,sand upright,variety of meals,versatile,healthy,Vitmamin B12,calcium,reduce waste,milk diary
