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ID: 53104696 Video

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Potty training: An expert guide


Potty training: An expert guide. Amanda Jenner, the U.K.'s leading potty training expert, has shared her tips on how to potty train your little one successfully. Choose your timing wisely Starting too early can lead to failure in potty training so make sure your little one is showing all the signs they are ready before you start and don't be influenced by others. “It is best not to start potty training if there has been a change in circumstance, for example, your toddler is unwell, there is a new baby in the family, you have just moved into a new home, your toddler has started a new childcare setting, there are any family problems in the household.” Get the right equipment A child-sized potty, a carry potty or a special seat to attach to your regular toilet is a must. ”Whichever you choose, make sure your child can sit comfortably.” Make sure everyone is aware Be sure that everyone who spends time with your child knows what's going on. ”Don't interrupt (or) stop toilet training if they are spending a night away at grandparents or a friend's house as they will become easily confused.” Be prepared It is important that wherever you are, you are always ready for when your child needs to go to the bathroom. ”Teach your toddler from day one that this is normal inside and outside the home. Take your potty and/or training seat with you wherever you go. Remind them that they have it with them as this will help them feel secure and confident.” Give lots of encouragement Praise and play based learning has been proven to be an effective approach for potty training little ones. ”Use reward charts, stickers, a reward box to fill up with special treats that they like - and a good toilet training storybook to keep up the momentum.” Don't scold or raise your voice This can create a negative environment and cause setbacks. ”Accidents will happen, remember to keep calm, as scolding your child will result in the fear of toilet training. This will cause a setback.” THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: Potty Training,expert guide,help,child,children,baby,loo,loo seat,toilet seat,detachable,encourage,enjoy,prepared,influence,keep calm,fear,encouragement
