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ID: 53581851 Video

Headline: RAW VIDEO: Drone Captures Amazing Footage Of Lemon Sharks At Play


This amazing drone footage captured at least 10 lemon sharks just 100ft from the coast of Stuart, Florida in early February.
Recognisable by the distinct yellow hue of its skin, the lemon shark occupies coral keys and mangrove forests along the Atlantic Ocean.
They were captured by drone artist, pilot and conservationist Joanna L. Steidle.
“Lemon sharks are not particularly aggressive sharks, so they’re not considered much of a threat to people in the water, so nearby surfers did not blink at their presence,” she says.
“However, their preferred habitat, like shallow coral reefs, can be in areas where people like to visit, so you should always keep a careful distance to make sure lemon sharks don’t feel threatened (this is the case with all sharks!). The ocean is their home, so please be respectful.”
Lemon sharks are classified as a Vulnerable species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.
Growing up to 3.4 metres (11 ft) in length, they are often found in shallow subtropical waters and are known to inhabit and return to specific nursery sites for breeding.
They often feed at night, using electroreceptors to find their main source of prey, fish.
As you can see here they are social animals as they group together to play, seek their prey and protect each other - as large lemon sharks have been known to prey on youngsters.

Keywords: lemon sharks,drones,wildlife,feature,video,photo
