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AssetID: 52964310

Headline: Finnish Zoo Celebrates Arrival Of Adorable Pallas's Cat Kitten

Caption: **RAW VIDEO** Korkeasaari Zoo in Finland has an adorable new resident - a Pallas’s Cat kitten. The two-month-old is already moving briskly with its mother indoors and is gradually starting to go outside. The cat, also known as a manul, orginates from Asia is a thick-furred aroki cat known for its gloomy expression. The behaviour of the four-year-old female changed in June; it started spending a lot of time in the nest box. When the booth was examined more closely, a kitten was found there. The kitten is now two months old. It is a female and weighs half a kilo. It has received anti-worm medication and an identification chip at a vet's checkup. The aim is to protect the youngster from the toxoplasma parasite, which is especially dangerous for kittens under four months of age. "The kitten follows its mother and plays with the food that the mother brings to it, which is practice for the kitten as it will grow out of milk feeding soon. From the camera, we can see it is excited to go indoors, and it has already cautiously peeked into the outdoor garden," says animal keeper Jonne Stenroth . The mother was born in Germany from the Chemnitz zoo and she moved to Korkeasaari in a newly renovated Manul enclosure last autumn. It got a partner this spring from a one-year-old male manul brought from the Budapest zoo. Pallas’s cats are solitary animals, so the female and the male are only in the same shelter during estrus. The male normally lives in the backyard of Kissalaakso, and is not visible to visitors. The number of Pallas’s Cats in the wild has been decreasing for a long time, even though the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies the species as viable. The species lives in small numbers in a wide area in the barren grass and mountain steppes of Central Asia.

Keywords: pallas's cat,kitten,animals,nature,natural world,feature,photo,video,finland
