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AssetID: 52996110

Headline: RAW VIDEO: New Zealand Bird Takahe Continues Comeback From Extinction With New Release

Caption: One of the world’s oddest birds, the takahē has returned to the Ngāi Tahu tribal area on New Zealand’s South Island with the aim of re-establishing a third wild population. Ngāi Tahu and the Department of Conservation (DOC) released 18 takahē on the Ngāi Tahu tribal property Greenstone Station on 23 August 2023, with Ngāi Tahu rangatira Tā Tipene O’Regan overseeing the release. Tā Tipene has enjoyed a connection with takahē since first meeting the taonga during an expedition with Dr Geoffrey Orbell in 1949, one year after takahē were rediscovered, having been declared extinct half a century earlier. “I have been enraptured by takahē since I was a boy, so it is very satisfying to release our taonga on our own whenua as we move towards a shared goal of seeing takahē throughout the Ngāi Tahu Takiwā.” Department of Conservation Takahē Recovery Operations Manager Deidre Vercoe says attempting to set up a third wild population on South Island is another pivotal step towards the takahē recovery goal of multiple takahē populations living wild over large areas of their former range. “Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and DOC work closely together on the Takahē Recovery Programme, in partnership with National Partner Fulton Hogan and the New Zealand Nature Fund, so it’s especially pleasing to be bringing takahē back to Ngāi Tahu whenua. We were pleased the Minister of Conservation Hon Willow-Jean Prime was able to take part in the release and join this special occasion. “Around half of all takahē are now living in large wild sites, in the takahē homeland in Fiordland’s Murchison Mountains and in Kahurangi National Park, where takahē were first released in 2018. “With takahē numbers nearing 500 and growing at around 8% a year, new homes are needed. After decades of hard work to increase the takahē population, it’s rewarding to now be focusing on establishing more wild populations, but it comes with challenges. “Establishing new wild native species populations can take time and success is not guaranteed. If we want takahē to thrive, we need to explore new sites and learn as much as we can to protect the birds now and into the future. We will closely monitor the takahē in the Greenstone Valley to see how they establish in their new home.” Deidre Vercoe says the Greenstone Valley was selected as a third wild site for takahē because it appears to have suitable habitat and predator numbers can be maintained at low numbers. “The Greenstone Valley habitat is similar to the valley floor habitat in the Murchison Mountains but larger in area. It has the staple food for takahē including tussock, sedges, and importantly it has a large amount of Hypolepis millefoium – summer green fern – which sustains takahē through harsh winter conditions. “It is planned to follow this release of nine breeding-age pairs with the release of another seven subadult birds in October and up to 10 juvenile takahē early next year. If a population successfully establishes in the Greenstone Valley, expanding the takahē population over the upper Whakatipu Waimāori valleys will be considered. “Trapping of stoats, ferrets and feral cats has knocked down predator numbers and is continuing to keep them low which is crucial for sustaining takahē populations in the wild. We’re grateful to partner organisations for trapping that supports the return of takahē to the Greenstone Valley.” Funding from Takahē Recovery Programme National Partner Fulton Hogan has provided 45 ferret traps and 25 cat traps that are installed in the valley.

Keywords: takahe,bird,natural world,nature,feature,photo,video,new zealand,south island
