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AssetID: 53023303

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: How to exercise safely during a heatwave

Caption: If you are planning on working out during a heatwave, you must take the right precautions. Rob Jackson, qualified personal trainer for Insure4Sport, has shared his tips for working out safely in hot weather. Where should you exercise? You should consider where you can exercise without overheating. "Exercising at home can be a good way to escape the heat outside, but you should make adjustments such as using a fan, shortening the duration of your workout and easing off the intensity”. Another option is to exercise in the gym. The personal trainer recommends: "Gyms can become much warmer during peak hours when they are busy so may be worth avoiding busy periods by going earlier or later, as it might be slightly cooler.". You can still take to the great outdoors, as long as you are sensible. "This is still possible during periods of hot weather but stick to the cooler parts of the day, early in the morning before sunrise and late in the evening is best.". How much should you drink? Hydration should be one of your biggest priorities if you are exercising during a heatwave. "The best way to do this is through small regular sips of water every 15-20 minutes in the hours before, after and during your workout.” What should you wear? When you are picking what to wear for your workout, you should opt for something lightweight and light-coloured. "Avoid wearing tracksuit bottoms and long sleeve tops, if outdoors make sure to apply SPF to any areas of skin exposed to the sun." What should you look out for? You should consider that if you are exercising in extreme temperatures, there can be risks. "Look out for symptoms like muscle cramps, nausea, headaches, dizziness and vomiting. Stop immediately if you experience any of these and rest." THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: How to,Heatwave,Right precautions,Personal trainer,Safety,Plan,Working out,Weather,Rob Jackson,qualified personal trainer,Insure4Sport
