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AssetID: 53226446

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Texas Ocelots Get A Boost From Rewilding Programme

Caption: Ocelots are set to make a comeback in Texas due to a new rewilding initiative. The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) is leading the efforts to help the Texas ocelot shake off its endangered status. The Texas ocelot population faces a critical situation, with only 60 to 80 remaining in fragmented habitats near the southern Mexican border. Dan Ashe, AZA's President and Chief Executive Officer, says: “For other endangered native species like black-footed ferrets, California condors and Mexican wolves, animals managed under human care have been vital for population recovery and the same may hold true for America's last wild ocelots” As part of the initiative, construction of a specialised breeding and rewilding facility for ocelots is set to commence soon in South Texas. It will coordinate the transfer of ocelots from zoos, offering guidance on husbandry and reproductive management to optimize breeding with native Texas ocelots. It will coordinate the transfer of ocelots from zoos, offering guidance on husbandry and reproductive management to optimize breeding with native Texas ocelots. After adapting to predatory living in the rewilding facility, offspring will eventually be released onto a vast East Foundation ranch property within the historical natural range of Texas ocelots.

Keywords: Texas,ocelot,rewilding,big cats,feline,zoo,feature,natural world,animals,The Association of Zoos and Aquariums,Endangered,Mexican,Border,Botanical Gardens,san Antonio Zoo
