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AssetID: 53351019

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Scabies: How to reduce your risk of catching the skin condition

Caption: Scabies: How to reduce your risk of catching the skin condition. Dr Mia Jing Gao, Consultant Dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic, has detailed everything you need to know about the itchy skin condition. Practice good hygiene and avoid close skin-to-skin contact Regular and thorough handwashing with soap and water is crucial in preventing the spread of scabies. Especially pay attention to the spaces between fingers and under fingernails. Because scabies is primarily transmitted through prolonged skin contact, avoid close physical contact with individuals who are infected and wear personal protective equipment if in close proximity.” Maintain clean living spaces Regularly clean and vacuum your living spaces to reduce the risk of mites surviving on surfaces. ”Wash and dry bedding, clothing and personal items on high heat regularly to eliminate any potential mites or their eggs.” Promptly address any symptoms If you experience persistent itching, especially at night, or notice any skin rashes or burrow-like tracks, seek medical attention at the earliest opportunity for an accurate diagnosis. ”The sooner treatment commences the better for clearing up the condition and reducing the risk of transmitting to others.” Although it's easier said than done, try to avoid scratching any affected areas as this could make your symptoms worse. THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: scabies,how to,reduce,avoid,risk,catching,contaminating,skin to skin,contact,prolonged,direct contact,skin,scratching,irritated,bugs,eggs,mites,wash,hot wash,hoover,dust,clean,hands,wrists,elbows,armpits,finger webs,medical,doctor,treatment,immediate,symptoms,uncomfortable,rash,clear up,condition
