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AssetID: 53407954

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: An expert guide to staying healthy during flu season

Caption: An expert guide to staying healthy during flu season. Dr Jenna Macciochi, who has partnered with Sambucol, has shared her top tips for staying healthy this winter. Prioritise key immune-supporting nutrients Foods rich in vitamins and nutrients are essential when it comes to supporting our immune system. ”Our diets can often benefit from a little extra support from antiviral black elderberries which are rich in antioxidants as well as other common, science-backed immune-supporting nutrients such as vitamin C and zinc.” Prevention is better than cure It is often easier to prevent the flu than to cure it. “Preventative public health measures such as washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your face can reduce the risk of contracting and spreading viruses.” Stay hydrated Proper hydration is vital for overall health. It helps keep your airways properly lubricated with the right amount and consistency of mucus to prevent infection. ”Hydration can also help alleviate symptoms of cold and flu.” Engage in regular physical activity Regular exercise can help strengthen your immune system, which means it can fight off viruses more effectively. Manage stress Your immune system can become weakened by persistent stress, leaving you and your family more vulnerable to illnesses that are highly contagious. ”Create your own toolkit of stress-relieving strategies, including breathing exercises, meditation, and engaging in your favourite festive hobbies.” Stay home when you're sick Listen to your body. If you do catch a cold or flu, take action early and be considerate of others by staying home. THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: expert guide,flu season,staying healthy,how to,nutritionist,diet,eat healthily,antioxidants,immune system,vitamin C,zine,wash hands,mask,preventative,measures,public,touching face,avoid,spreading,viruses,exercise,strengthen,stay at home,listen to your body,aches,pains,cold,flu,infectioin,winter
