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AssetID: 52948660

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Vanilla dating: Everything you need to know about the new dating trend

Caption: According to leading dating expert Tina Wilson, Founder of the Wingman app, the popular trend inspires daters to build a relationship based on authenticity and a shared lifestyle over a diary filled with travel, adventures, novelty, and excitement. "It heavily focuses on building a relationship through shared routines and the comfort of familiar surroundings, such as cosy nights in, taking a long walk, cooking as a couple - it is a relationship based on simplicity and finding happiness in ordinary daily things," "It is a move that reminds us that sometimes the most fulfilling and contented relationships can be found in the everyday experiences, and you don't need to prove anyone otherwise." However, she warns daters to be careful in the run-up to cuffing season, where people are more compelled to start relationships in the winter months. "Be cautious as vanilla dating at this time of year is the stage before cuffing season - where online daters could be testing their compatibility with someone over the course of a few months by embracing ordinary and mundane tasks and experiences to essentially 'test the waters' in an unofficial 'cuffing season planning phase.'" "Over a quarter of Wingman's Gen-Z users say they are actively doing this now to assess compatibility during the summer and their new partner is not necessarily in the know." To make sure you and your date are both on the same page, Tina recommends being as honest and open as possible about what you want. "Although there are several positives to enjoying each other's company in a vanilla dating scenario there is chance that one of you in the relationship is going along with things to 'play it safe', because you don't want to be single.” “Whether this is deliberate or unintentional, you are doing it because you are in a safe territory with vanilla dating.”. "So ultimately, think about what it is you want in a long-time relationship before you continue to vanilla date as you might be doing it for the wrong reasons or fall victim to cuffing season planning." THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: Vanilla date,things to know,wingman app,winter months,cuffing period,enjoy,simple things,cooking together,quiet night in,different,shared routines,cosy nights,happiness,ordinary daily things,partner,looking for,screening,be aware,talk openly,dating trend,season
