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AssetID: 53177200

Headline: Al Pacino to pay Noor Alfallah $30,000 a month in child support

Caption: The veteran actor has been ordered to pay his girlfriend and the mother of his youngest child $30,000 per month in child support, according to documents obtained by Page Six. Pacino has also been ordered to pay Alfallah an upfront payment of $110,000 (£91,000) as well as $13,000 (£11,000) for a night nurse and to pay any medical bills that are not covered by health insurance. Additionally, The Godfather star is required to pay $15,000 (£12,000) into an education fund every year for the pair's son, four-month-old Roman.

Keywords: CPS1659591,Al Pacino,veteran,actor,Hollywood,ordered,to pay,child support,custody agreement,Noor Alfallah,girlfriend,28,son,Roman,education fund,shared custody,primary full custody,still together,producer,Sony
