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AssetID: 53476966

Headline: Michael J. Fox given standing ovation at BAFTAs

Caption: Arriving on stage to present the Best Film award, the Back to the Future star was met with rapturous applause from celebrities in the audience as they rose to their feet for a full standing ovation. A-listers including Robert Downey Jr. and Ryan Gosling could all be seen standing to clap. Michael, 64, who has battled Parkinson's disease since 1991, used a wheelchair to get onto the stage, before standing to present the award to Oppenheimer. "There's a reason why they say movies are magic, because movies can change your day…”

Keywords: CPS1664500,Michael J. Fox,standing ovation,BAFTA awards,2024,present,Oppenheimer,A list,celebrities,clapping,cheering,stage,wheelchair,actor,parkinson’s disease,foundation,research,backstage,wife Tracy Pollan
