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AssetID: 52939766

Headline: Celine Dion's sister shares update on singer's health

Caption: In a recent interview with Le Journal de Montreal, Claudette Dion revealed her sister, Linda, had moved into the My Heart Will Go On star's home, where she lives with her three sons. "When I call her and she's busy, I speak to my sister Linda who lives with her and tells me that she's working hard," "She's listening to the top researchers in the field of this rare disease as much as possible." Celine, 55, revealed to fans in December 2022 that she had been diagnosed with the "very rare" neurological disorder…

Keywords: CPS1655204,Celine Dion,Sister,Shares,Update,Singer,Health,Stiff-Person Syndrome,SPS,Interview,Claudette Dion,Linda Dion,Sons,Family,Doctors,Cancelled,Tour,Music,Rare,Neurological,Disorder
