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AssetID: 53123212

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: 5 Ways to Feel Healthier in One Week

Caption: 5 Ways to Feel Healthier in One Week. Dietitian and nutritionist Andy Bellatti recommends these 5 tips to start feeling like your best self. 1. Hydrate, Try swapping those sugary sodas and juices for 20oz of water every day. 2. Cut the salt, 9 out of 10 Americans consume too much salt, causing puffiness and bloating. 3. Eat your veggies, "Powerhouse foods" like broccoli, bell peppers, and Brussels sprouts are great sources of nutrients. 4. Think positive, A positive mindset is crucial to implementing and maintaining healthy habits. 5. Be realistic, Don't expect a miracle from one week of healthy eating, but definitely expect to feel better! THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: How To,Start,Feeling,Healthier,Health,Week,Dietitian,Nutritionist,Andy Bellatti,Hydrate,Water,Drinking,Reduce,Salt,Consumption,Bloating,Veggies,Yogurt,Brussels Sprouts,Sources,Nutrients,Broccoli,Bell Peppers,Foods,Thinking,Positive,Healthy Habits,Mentality,Be Realistic
