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AssetID: 53836813

Headline: The 30 Nutrition Plan: Everything you need to know

Caption: Dominique Ludwig, celebrity nutritionist, nutritional therapist and founder of Renew Reset Recharge, explains how the meal plan works. The benefits The 30 rule promotes a positive relationship with food and encourages a healthy, varied diet. "It's all about balance, variety, and abundance on your plate, ensuring you enjoy a diverse array of foods from different food groups," Dominique explains. "By embracing this rule, women can cultivate a positive relationship with food, bidding farewell to guilt and anxiety, and instead, embracing a mindset of abundance and enjoyment in their eating habits."

Keywords: CPS1669995,meal plan,flexible diet,non-restrictive diet,Dominique Ludwig,Renew Reset Recharge,positive relationship with food,balanced diet,varied diet,protein intake,energy levels,blood sugar control,hormone balance,sugar cravings,appetite control,fibre intake,gut health,weight management,immune system,plant-based diet,fruits and vegetables,whole grains,nuts and seeds,legumes,herbs and spices,gut microbiome,nutritional therapist,healthy eating,sustainable diet,dietary goals
