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AssetID: 53845215

Headline: Jude Law reveals 'stinky method' he adopted for Henry VIII movie

Caption: The Talented Mr. Ripley star was up for the Man of Steel role in the failed 2003 film Superman: Flyby but it didn't feel like the right fit. "This is true. Yeah. And there was a process of flirtation going on," he said on The Playlist's Discourse podcast. "And I always resisted because it just felt like (off)." He acknowledged that his resistance to the superhero role may seem ridiculous now he's played Yon-Rogg in Captain Marvel and Albus Dumbledore in the Fantastic Beasts franchise and explained that Superman "felt like a step too far" at the time.

Keywords: CPS1670274,Jude Law,Henry VIII,Firebrand,method acting,historical realism,stinky method,film production,Karim Aïnouz,King Henry VIII movie,on-set realism,People Magazine,movie techniques,costume drama,historical accuracy,acting methods,celebrity news,Hollywood,film industry,authentic filmmaking,period drama
