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AssetID: 53129582

Headline: How to know if you are doing too much exercise

Caption: Dr Kerry Aston, founder of The Movement Medic, has explained how to know if your workouts are too much for your body. Balance. Balancing exercise intensity can be challenging, especially for beginners. To gauge the right balance, pay attention to how you feel the next morning. “A manageable level of stiffness and fatigue is a good sign. However, significant discomfort or struggling with stairs may indicate overexertion." Pain. Persistent pain, beyond typical muscle soreness, could be a sign of overexertion. "If pain persists or worsens, consult a healthcare professional or physical therapist."

Keywords: CPS1658622,exercise,too much,overdoing it,soreness,stiffness,muscles,gym,weights,routine,balance,care,body,rest,burnout,physio,physical therapy,tendonitis,overexertion,discomfort,tired,recover,hydrate,sleep,diet
