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AssetID: 53541046

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Four tips to improve your overall wellbeing

Caption: Four tips to improve your overall wellbeing. However, making time to focus on your health will help you feel more energetic, mentally and emotionally balanced and improve your quality of life. Mike Walls, a nutrition expert and director of Fantastic Nutrition, has shared four simple tips to help you boost your health. Embrace the outdoors: Spending time outdoors can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, and expose you to vitamin D and fresh air. ”With the clocks changing in just a few weeks and spring around the corner, it's time to embrace the great outdoors once again.” "Fresh air and sunshine do wonders for our bodies and minds, so even if it's cold and wet, simply wrap up warm, grab an umbrella, and make getting outside a daily habit, even if it's just a quick walk around your local area.” Batch cook: Batch cooking can make healthy eating easier and save you time and money. ”Dedicate a Sunday afternoon to prepping a few healthy meals for the week ahead, cooking dishes such as hearty stews, lentil curries, or baked salmon with roasted vegetables.” Snack sensibly: Snacks are often thought of as unhealthy, but when done right, they can be a regular and important part of a healthy diet. ”While crisps and chocolate bars are staple snacks in Britain, those greasy treats aren't doing our health any favours.” "Instead, opt for healthier alternatives that will keep you feeling full and energised such as fruit with nut butter, veggie sticks with hummus, or a handful of mixed nuts and seeds.” Prioritise your tea break: Instead of using your tea break to scroll through your phone, try using it to enjoy a healthy snack and move your body. ”A break should be more about giving your mind and body a chance to recharge, so step away from your desk, stretch your legs, take a few deep breaths, or practice some mindfulness exercises…" THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: Outdoors,Health,Mental Health,Vitamin D,Fresh Air,Clocks Changing,Spring,Great Outdoors,Anxiety,Stress Reduction,Batch Cook,Healthy Eating,Time-Saving,Money-Saving,Family Life,Sunday Afternoon,Meal Prep,Hearty Stews,Lentil Curries,Baked Salmon,Roasted Vegetables,Snack Sensibly,Healthy Snacks,Nut Butter,Veggie Sticks,Hummus,Mixed Nuts,Seeds,Prioritize,Tea Break,Wellness,Productivity,Mindfulness Exercises
