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AssetID: 53047004

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Hot Pilates: Why is it so popular?

Caption: Hot Pilates: Why is it so popular? Abby McLachlan, Founder of London Pilates studio East of Eden, has answered some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the popular workout. What is hot Pilates? Hot Pilates is simply a class using Pilates principles in a warm room. ”Some studios offer more classical Pilates in the heat, however you can also get a dynamic high intensity, low-impact class called Inferno Hot Pilates. This a Pilates-based HIIT class in the heat to increase the intensity and challenge - not for the faint-hearted!” Why has the workout become more popular? The heat offers something new to the more traditional mat Pilates classes and people are often attracted to new and challenging workout routines that offer a more intense experience. What are the benefits? The sweaty workout can offer several benefits, including improved endurance and circulation. Plus increased flexibility and an enhanced cardiovascular workout as a result of the heat. ”You might also detoxify through sweating more and improve your circulation.” Does it help to reduce aches and pains? Pilates focuses on core strength and stability, which can help improve posture and alleviate pressure on the back and spine, potentially reducing back pain. ”There isn't any research that I know of specifically relating hot Pilates to reduced aches and pains, although anecdotally I would say it absolutely does.” “But I would always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise regime, especially if you are experiencing back pain, or recovering from injury.” Can it boost your metabolism? Hot Pilates may lead to increased caloric expenditure during the workout, and even afterwards as your body continues to have an increased oxygen consumption even after you've finished the class. ”When the body expends more calories than it consumes, it can contribute to weight loss and a temporary increase in metabolic rate.” THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: Hot pilates,popular,mat,regular,challenging,routines,benefits,sweaty,workout,cardiovascular,stretch,recovery,calories,burn,lose weight,dynamic,HIIT,aches,pains,metabolism
