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ID: 53797754 Image

Headline: Bombing Of An Irrigation Equipment Factory In The Kholodnohirsky District


At around 4pm on 27 May, two 250kg gliding bombs hit the industrial district of Kholodnohirsky. One was 20 m from a confectionery factory, the second on an irrigation equipment factory. The death toll was one, a woman who breathed her last in the hands of rescuers, and 12 people were injured

Keywords: ? aerial attack ?,? bombe planante. Fab 250 ?,? gliding bomb. Fab 250 ?,? kholodnohirsky ?,? War Ukraine ?,Agence Le Pictorium,Airstrike,Bomb,Bombing,bombings (),Gliding bomb,Industrial site,Kharkiv,kharkiv oblast,Kharkov,Ukraine,Ukraine war,winter 2023,winter 2024,Argument,armed conflict,civil defence,Conflict,conflict (general),Conflict (War),Eastern Europe,formal exercise-DEPRECATED,Kkarkiv,Modern Conflict,Offensive,population,Russia Ukraine war,Saltyvka,social issue,Ukrainian,Ukrainian women,Ukrainians,unrest,conflicts and war,war,War in Ukraine,Europe
