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ID: 53797742 Image

Headline: Bombing Of An Irrigation Equipment Factory In The Kholodnohirsky District


At around 4pm on 27 May, two 250kg gliding bombs hit the industrial district of Kholodnohirsky. One was 20 m from a confectionery factory, the second on an irrigation equipment factory. The death toll was one, a woman who breathed her last in the hands of rescuers, and 12 people were injured

Keywords: ? War Ukraine ?,aerial attack,Agence Le Pictorium,Airstrike,Bomb,Bombing,bombings (),Gliding bomb,gliding bomb. Fab 250,Industrial site,Kharkiv,kharkiv oblast,Kharkov,kholodnohirsky,Ukraine,Ukraine war,winter 2023,winter 2024,Argument,armed conflict,civil defence,Conflict,conflict (general),Conflict (War),Eastern Europe,formal exercise-DEPRECATED,Kkarkiv,Modern Conflict,Offensive,population,Russia Ukraine war,Saltyvka,social issue,Ukrainian,Ukrainian women,Ukrainians,unrest,conflicts and war,war,War in Ukraine,Europe
