Headline: Ukrainian Police Get 13 Cars From UN And France
Head of the National Police of Ukraine Ivan Vyhivskyi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Ukraine Gael Veyssiere, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Kateryna Pavlichenko and UNFPA Representative to Ukraine Massimo Diana (L to R) attend an event to hand over 13 specialised cars from the UNFPA Ukraine to the departments and mobile response groups of Ukraine’s National Police fighting domestic violence with the support of the French government under the Support for Police in Building Effective Model for Responding to Domestic and Gender-based Violence during War and Transitional Period project, Kyiv, capital of Ukraine.
Keywords: Kyiv,Ukraine,France,police,car,UN,United Nations,domestic violence,GBV,gender-based violence,UNFPA,Ivan Vyhivskyi,Massimo Diana,Kateryna Pavlichenko,Gael Veyssiere