Shrovetide Celebrated At Pyrohiv Open Air Museum
The ritual of burning the effigy of the "Clumsy Grandfather" is held as par...
Participants have a round dance around the burning effigy as part of the ho...
A plate with fake dumplings decorates the food zone with traditional Kolodi...
The competition is held as part of the holiday "Kolodii. Masnytsia" on Spiv...
Young participants of the holiday "Kolodii. Masnytsia" on Spivoche Field at...
Participants of the holiday "Kolodii. Masnytsia" on Spivoche Field at the N...
A child lifts a fake dumpling model during the competition as part of the h...
Kolodkuvannia ritual recreated as part of the holiday "Kolodii. Masnytsia" ...
Children carry fake dumpling models during the competition as part of the h...
A child lifts a fake dumpling during the competition as part of the holiday...
Participants of the holiday "Kolodii. Masnyitsa" on Spivoche Pole at the Na...
Members of a folk ensemble are seen during the holiday "Kolodii. Masnyitsa"...