Transformations Exhibition In Lviv
Painting by artist Oleksandr Liapin presented during the exhibition of naiv...
Items from the exhibition of naive art "Transformations" at the Hnat Khotke...
Curator Olena Yermolenko attends the opening of the exhibition of naive art...
Participants in the opening of the exhibition of naive art "Transformations...
Painter Anatolii Kvitka is seen during the opening of the exhibition of nai...
Item from the exhibition of naive art "Transformations" at the Hnat Khotkev...
Curator Olena Yermolenko speaks during the opening of the exhibition of nai...
Paintings by artist Anatolii Kvitka presented during the exhibition of naiv...
Fragment of an art piece presented during the exhibition of naive art "Tran...
Fragment of a painting by artist Anatolii Kvitka presented during the exhib...