Heavy Rain Causes Floods In Indonesia
A resident passes by during flooding in Bojongasih Village, Dayeuhkolot, Ba...
A resident pulls his child who was in a toy truck during a flood in Bojonga...
Children play during flooding in Bojongasih Village, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung R...
Children play with tires during a flood in Bojongasih Village, Dayeuhkolot,...
A resident passes through floodwater using a motorbike in Bojongasih Villag...
A child plays with a tire during a flood in Bojongasih Village, Dayeuhkolot...
Residents pass through floodwaters in Bojongasih Village, Dayeuhkolot, Band...
A junior high school student goes home from school through flooding in Bojo...
Residents push their motorbikes that have been submerged in floodwater in B...
Residents dry clothes in front of their flooded houses in Bojongasih Villag...