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AssetID: 50787836

Headline: Nasa's Moon Ship Orion Ready To Be Attached To Rocket

Caption: (20 Oct) Final stacking operations for NASA’s mega-Moon rocket are shown underway inside the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center as the Orion spacecraft is lifted onto the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket for the Artemis I mission. Pictures show the final "Up & Over" as the NASA Orion spacecraft and its Launch Abort System are lifted out of High Bay 4 in the Vehicle Assembly Building and lowered down into High Bay 3 to join NASA SLS just past midnight on the morning of Oct. 20, 2021. Engineers and technicians with Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) and Jacobs attached the spacecraft to one of the five overhead cranes inside the building and began lifting it a little after midnight EDT. Next, teams will slowly lower it onto the fully stacked SLS rocket and connect it to the Orion Stage Adapter. This will require the EGS team to align the spacecraft perfectly with the adapter before gently attaching the two together. This operation will take several hours to make sure Orion is securely in place.

