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AssetID: 41431546

Headline: Demonstration In Support Of Palestine In Brussels

Caption: An estimated 3,000 people gathered at Albertine Square, better known as Mont des Arts, in the Belgian capital to protest against the events in Gaza and against the colonization policy of the Hebrew state. The slogans of -free Palestine- were numerous. A few smoke bombs and firecrackers were thrown, but the pouring rain quickly ended the demonstration without any particular incidents.

Keywords: Belgique,Bruxelles,Diplomatie,Israel,Jérusalem,Manifestation,Moyen Orient,Palestine,Proche Orient,Union des Juifs Progressistes de Belgique,association des palestiniens de belgique,bombardements,conflit,drapeau israëlien,drapeau palestinien,drapeau syrien,drapeaux,enfants,femmes,gaza,hommes,internationale,marocains,mont-des-arts,musulmans,palestiniens de belgique,place albertine,politique,protestations,rassemblement,société,économie
