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AssetID: 41425947

Headline: Miracle Dingo Pup “Lucky” Has First Health Check

Caption: It was just over a week ago at the Australian Reptile Park when staff’s hearts were racing when Adina the dingo was rushed into an emergency C-section at Somersby Animal Hospital. Thankfully, one puppy was able to be saved and survived the dramatic ordeal. Thus, Lucky was brought into the world as a miracle pup. Over the last week, keepers have been keeping a close eye on Adina and Lucky from a distance, ensuring they were still forming the important bond between mum and pup. Thankfully, all was proceeding perfectly with Lucky and Adina spending every minute together. However, due to the circumstances surrounding the birth –keepers were required to perform a hands-on routine health check. Director Tim Faulkner and Life Sciences Manager Hayley Shute got into the enclosure this morning to look over the mother and daughter duo, to make sure they were both doing okay. Director Tim Faulkner says, “We have been keeping our distance for the time being, as the most important task was ensuring they were bonding after the ordeal. We could see Lucky suckling milk from Adina and knew there was special motherly love there. However, we need to make sure they’re both healthy.” In fantastic news Lucky has gained weight, key in determining a puppy’s health, and is now 615 grams and on track to be growing into one happy and healthy puppy. Adina’s incision from the c-section is healing and is providing Lucky with milk each and every day. Mr Faulkner continued, “It was quite a scary day when we had to rush Adina off to surgery for the C-section and we’re so blessed to have the outcome that we do. We have all already fallen head over heels in love with Lucky and I can’t wait to see her grow over the coming months.” Over the coming weeks, Lucky the dingo puppy will be able to be seen by visitors bonding with mum and dad in the dingo enclosure at the Australian Reptile Park. For those who want to follow Lucky’s journey, the Australian Reptile Park will be posting regular updates on the Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok pages which have a combined 2.345 million followers.

Keywords: feature,photo feature,photo story
