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AssetID: 41410570

Headline: USAF Conducts First Flight Test Of A.I. “Brain” System Named Skyborg

Caption: FULL WORDS AVAIL: INFO@COVERMG.COM ... STORY CAPTION: The U.S. Air Force has conducted the first flight test of an artificial intelligence “brain” system named Skyborg. The campaign is one step closer to developing unmanned “loyal wingman” drones, or remotely crewed aerial vehicles that can fly alongside jet fighters, bombers, and support aircraft. The Skyborg leadership team conducted a 2 hour and 10 minute flight test of the Skyborg autonomy core system, or ACS, aboard a Kratos UTAP-22 tactical unmanned vehicle at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, April 29. The USAF say: “The aim of the Skyborg Vanguard program is to integrate full-mission autonomy with low-cost, attritable unmanned air vehicle technology to enable manned-unmanned teaming. Skyborg will provide the foundation on which the Air Force can build an airborne autonomous ‘best of breed’ system of systems that adapts, orients and decides at machine speed for a wide variety of increasingly complex mission sets.”

Keywords: interesting, news, offbeat, amazing, viral, strange, quirky, science, tech, technology, government, military, air force, boat, carrier, usaf, us navy, army, defence, security, defense; exercise, photo, photography, innovation; invention; sci, autonomous; research
