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Headline: Hypercar Earns World’s “Fastest Production Vehicle” Title


Announced Monday (19 Oct), SSC North America, America’s first hypercar company, has reclaimed the coveted title of world’s “Fastest Production Vehicle,” this time with its 1,750hp Tuatara.

With internationally acclaimed professional racing driver, Oliver Webb, at the Tuatara’s wheel, the record-breaking drive took place on the morning of Saturday, October 10, outside of Las Vegas near Pahrump, Nevada along a seven-mile stretch of State Route 160.

Webb pushed the SSC Tuatara to an average speed of 316.11 mph (508.73 km/h) following two consecutive high-speed test runs of 301.07 mph (484.53 km/h) and 331.15 mph (532.93 km/h). In accordance with record criteria, the Tuatara traveled in opposite directions, clocking its speeds within one hour, to break the world record for “Fastest Production Vehicle.”

Officials were on site to verify all world record criteria was met -- including review of Dewetron GPS measurements, which tracked the speed runs using an average of 15 satellites -- and to confirm the new record.

“It’s been ten years since we held this record with our first car, the Ultimate Aero, and the Tuatara is leagues ahead. Its performance reflects the dedication and focus with which we pursued this achievement,” said Jerod Shelby, CEO of SSC. “We came pretty close to meeting the theoretical numbers, which is astonishing to do in a real world setting on a public road. America’s new claim to victory in the ‘land-based space race’ is going to be tough to beat.”

“There was definitely more in there. And with better conditions, I know we could have gone faster,” said Oliver Webb, who piloted the record run. “As I approached 331 mph, the Tuatara climbed almost 20 mph within the last five seconds. It was still pulling well. As I told Jerod, the car wasn’t running out of steam yet. The crosswinds are all that prevented us from realizing the car’s limit.”

In addition to the “Fastest Production Vehicle” record, the SSC Tuatara broke the world records for:

“Fastest Flying Mile on a Public Road” at 313.12 mph (503.92 km/h)

“Fastest Flying Kilometer on a Public Road” at 321.35 mph (517.16 km/h)

“Highest Speed Achieved on a Public Road” at 331.15 mph (532.93 km/h)

In order to claim a world record, the Tuatara had to:

Be a production vehicle; it must be identical to the same vehicle a customer might purchase.

Drive the same route in opposite directions, and average the two speeds. This accounts for winds and road grade that may have favored the vehicle as traveling in only one direction.

Achieve this feat on a public road; this ensures ‘real world’ driving conditions that a race track or runway might not offer.

Have its speed tracked by a certified GPS measurement system, and have two world-record sanctioned witnesses on site for verification.

Run on street tires and non-race fuel.

Keywords: feature,photo feature,photo story,interesting,viral,science,tech,technology,car,vehicle,super car,supercar,hyper car,hypercar,dream,motor,motoring
