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AssetID: 40422024

Headline: Tournament Earth 2020: Best Picture Of NASA Earth Observatory Contest - Just Another Day on Aerosol Earth

Caption: During one day in August 2018, tropical cyclones, dust storms, and fires spread tiny particles throughout the atmosphere. Huge plumes of smoke drifted over North America and Africa, three different tropical cyclones churned in the Pacific Ocean, and large clouds of dust blew over deserts in Africa and Asia. The storms are visible within giant swirls of sea salt aerosol (blue), which winds loft into the air as part of sea spray. Black carbon particles (red) are among the particles emitted by fires; vehicle and factory emissions are another common source. Particles the model classified as dust are shown in purple. The visualization includes a layer of night light data collected by the day-night band of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on Suomi NPP that shows the locations of towns and cities.

Keywords: Space,Smoke,Atmosphere,Dust,Storms,Cylones,Earth,Aerosol,odd,oddity,offbeat,weird,amazing,interesting,cool,science,tech,technology
