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AssetID: 40097561

Headline: Birds Eye Toast Over 3,000 Potato Waffles To Prove Snack Can Be Safely Toasted

Caption: For years Brits has been rife with debate on one very important question – can you cook Birds Eye Potato Waffles in the toaster? It’s a question that has divided the nation, with 63% saying they didn’t know you could toast the popular potato snack. The frozen food giant is ending speculation as it confirms that after rigorous testing, ‘toasting’ will be added as a new cooking method to packs of its Original Potato Waffles – meaning busy Brits can forget pre-heating the oven and enjoy the deliciously fluffy potato snack in just two pops of the toaster. Food experts at Birds Eye tested over 3,000 of its waffles using different toasters and varying settings to ensure the new cooking method is safe and delivers the same mouth-watering taste that fans expect. All waffle fans need to do is set their toaster to a medium/high setting and place the potato waffles inside. After the initial pop-up, the waffles should be toasted for a second time until they are golden yellow in colour - they should then be left to cool for one minute before tucking in. The announcement comes after years of fans sharing the food hack on social media, with one Twitter user saying: “Today I learned you can cook potato waffles from frozen in the toaster and I might never cook anything else ever again” and another citing “How have I gone all these years not knowing you can cook potato waffles in the toaster”: However, others have expressed their concern over people using the household appliance in this way saying “People who put their potato waffles in the toaster scare me”. Steve Challouma, Marketing Director at Birds Eye, said: “We know there has been a lot of confusion and debate on this way of cooking our Original Potato Waffles so we decided to put it to the test. After days of rigorous ‘toasting’, we’re happy to confirm it is safe to cook our waffles this way and it doesn’t compromise on taste either – you can still expect the same delicious taste that is crispy on the outside and fluffy in the middle!” The new cooking method will appear on packs of Birds Eye Original Potato Waffles from the end of December 2019 and will be available to in all major supermarkets.

