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AssetID: 36104105

Headline: NASA’s Breathtaking Photos Of Jupiter Resemble Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’

Caption: Life imitates art in outer space. NASA’s Juno spacecraft recently captured a new photo of Jupiter and it looks like one of Vincent van Gogh’s swirly masterpieces. The images, shot using the Juno spacecraft’s ‘JunoCam’, depict dramatic atmospheric characteristics found in the celestial body’s northern hemisphere. Juno captured the photos some 8,000 miles from the cloud tops during its flyby of Jupiter. In some of the pictures, clouds are seen swirling around a circular feature from a jet-stream zone known as ‘Jet N6’. They were then color-enhanced by software engineer Kevin M. Gill. When the photos surfaced online, Twitter users couldn’t help but point out the similarities between the clouds atop Jupiter and those in Starry Night. At least one user asked, “Van Gogh, is that you?” While the common sentiment is that Planet Jupiter is the otherworldly doppelgänger of the Post-Impressionist piece, some have also remarked its resemblances with the paintings of Claude Monet and Jack Pollock.

Keywords: feature,photo feature,photo story,planet,space,art
